Sunday, December 27, 2009

Do you always wash your hands before you eat?

I normally do that.|||Hell yeah!! i am a hand wash junkie!!! I hate the thought of people not washing their hands. When my uncle is visiting, he will touch my kettle etc, after going to the toilet and not washing his hands!! eeeewww... I have to go on a cleaning spree!!!|||Dont unless ive just been either outside, feeding the animals, touching the animals, been to the toilet... and yeah, ill be honest usually i dont (if i havent been doing any of those things)|||sometimes i get them extra dirty right before i eat.|||Always. I have noticed people who don%26#039;t though. Disgusting.|||I WASH MY HANDS B4 I WASH MY HANDS|||Yes. Whenever I can.|||Nope, but I do before I cook for others, always. I really don%26#039;t worry so much about my own germs.|||Always|||i%26#039;m usually eating with a fork and knife but I always wash them before I make food|||usually|||sometimes but i did today|||i used to, but now only sometimes =/|||Always do.|||Yep|||Yes|||Yes-I do.|||Yup.|||not always, i try to as much as possible|||Most of the time....|||yeah or I use sanitizer if I%26#039;m not by a bathroom.|||I%26#039;ll just be honest


lol|||yes|||no|||nope|||Why do you wanna know .

ofcrz .|||i guess.|||no i pick my bum

When do you wash your hands?

I happen to have delicious soap, so I wash my hands every chance I get.. But I am seriously wondering about this, because I very often see guys walk out of a toilet without having bothered.|||I always wash my hands after using the restroom, changing the baby%26#039;s diaper, going out shopping (you know...after touching all that stuff that other people,who have NOT washed their hands, have touched), after a visit to the doctor%26#039;s office, after gardening .....oh! and after cleaning up dog poop!

Say.................maybe I should try your %26quot;delicious%26quot; soap?? :)~

mb|||please keep washing !!!!!! everyone should as much as possible i wished more people were like you|||everytime i leave the bathroom, wait to turn the water off with the paper towl i used to dry my hands, and open the door with it too. i%26#039;m always washing my hands, after touching different foods when cooking, picking up garbage, before i touch clean clothes in the dryer...|||I work with food and have worked in the medical field so it has been engrained in me to wash my hands often especially after the toilet, after touching my hair, after petting animals, before eating. People who have the availability of water and soap shjould really utilize it because it cuts down on germs that can cause sickness. I have lived in places where there isn%26#039;t as much running water and these places also have serious health problems.|||are do my dogs grooming and before eating or handling food|||guys will always be guys, right?|||before and after handling food ad after i m done in the bathroom|||i wash my hands after i smoke, before i eat, after going to the store , after going to the gas station, after going to the bathroom, after touchin food, after touching someone else, after all has been touched. pretty much|||You should wash your hands EVERY time they have come into contact with an organism carrying bacteria AND ALWAYS before you plan to put your hands on or in your mouth, eyes, nose, etc.

Bacteria is everywhere. Sneezing, coughing, sweat, fruits and vegetables, door handles, kitchen counters and bathrooms and so much more carry thousands of bacteria that multiply in warm environments. By not washing your hands when they may have come into contact with one of these organisms, you could be spreading E.choli, salomenella, and other nasty germs. So take care of yourself and others by eliminating these germs whenever possible!|||I%26#039;m 61 yrs old and i wash my hands whenever i think i could have even goten close to anything nasty, such as, after using a restroom ,shaking hands,wiping my nose or mouth,and using a door knob or handle to open a door,shopping carts or sneezing, in other words anything that comes in contact with the filth of humans.. SORRY IF I OFFEND YOU NASTY FOLKS !!! Just kiss my grits...!!!|||I don%26#039;t wash my hands, the dirt falls off in time and can only get SO dirty.|||I always wash my hands after an appointment with the porcelan throne. You run the risk of serious illness if you don%26#039;t.|||its even worse when you see a woman do it. Wash all the time. Alot of germs pass by our hands. Think of when you say hi to someone with a handshake...where has that hand been???|||I have a compulsive disorder when it comes to washing my hands I wash my hands many many times a day I could never walk out of a bathroom without washing my hands but|||i wash my hands before i go in and when i come out too.|||Most people are poor, hence dirty, hence do not wash hands.

I wash my hands because I%26#039;m morally superior.|||Walk out of a toilet without having cleaned your hand is a nasty and danger habit.

We must wash our hands after any job we do, before and after toilet, before and after eating or preparing meals. When we come back home and before sleeping.

We must wash our hands every change we have (as you say).|||I have asked this question before, and got bashed by the clean dudes. Most guys do not wash their hands after pee, or poop.|||Ew gross. Sometimes I wash my hands two or three times after coming out of the washroom, just to make sure all the germs I didn%26#039;t catch the first time go away. I also wash my hands before cooking, before eating, and after I%26#039;m done cleaning. I probably wash my hands about 10 times a day. Ever since SARS, I%26#039;ve been washing my hands ALL THE TIME!|||I wash my hands about 15 times a day, at least. I work in a doctor%26#039;s office, and I don%26#039;t want to take a chance on catching anything. I think it is disgusting when people don%26#039;t wash their hands after using the restroom.|||after i take a tinkle and and wake up or after work.|||before i cook , after the toilet and after being in the garden

i use the liquid soap and love the differnt aroma%26#039;s - sometimes I like to make bubles from them too!

one time at the dentist I saw him pick his nose and he didn%26#039;t wash his hands afterwards and he was going to work on me so I asked him to wash first - he did and he was also embarrassed|||i dont very much if im coming out of a restroom with wet hands its cause i pissed on em|||when they get dirty

and I suppose washing them with animal fat makes them clean|||never it just wastes my time it is so gay when you see people wash their hands|||I go downstairs for some hot milk, and here you are asking about mens bathroom habits...

I am giving you 30mins tops, so you%26#039;d better get to work! I%26#039;m not going to have sweet dreams reading these replys!!!|||It is the sanitary thing to do. Your hands make contact with everything. Plus after you wash your hands in the restroom do you then reach for the door handle when you go out? Because it is crawling with bacteria, from those guys who don%26#039;t wash. Open it with a piece of paper towel.

When you wash your hands, how often do you finish washing even before you feel the hot water?

some faucets in public just take forever to wait for the hot water ?!?|||I%26#039;ve got OCD when it comes to cleaning my hands. I wash them BEFORE I go to the bathroom and after. Typically I will do two rounds of soap and rinsing, and I always carry anti-bacterial gel with me.

In fact, I%26#039;ve installed anti-bacterial gel dispensers all around my office so folks can grab a pump at random times.

The amount of germs spread via people%26#039;s hands, door knobs, and remote controls is very significant. |||i NEVER use hot water, just soap and cold water. the hot water from the faucet is NOT hot enough to kill germs anyway. |||2 out of 3 times the hot never comes.|||if i want to wash with warm or hot water, i usually zone out till i realize the water is hot.|||I never start, until the water is hot!|||I wait for it to get hot, I hate cold water. Unless I%26#039;m drinking it. |||I%26#039;ll wait until it gets at least a little warm, maybe 30 seconds or something|||I feel it when I turn it on.|||all the time - I%26#039;m impatient|||i am usually done before it gets warm too|||Never I always leave crap on my hands after I doo doo. |||never, I always wait on the hot water.|||Never - you might as well not bother.|||i cant stand waiting

When you wash your hands?

You turn on the sink with the handle, then wash your hands, then turn off the sink with the handle again, doesn%26#039;t that just get all those germs back onto your hands?|||Excellent question. When i worked in the hospital, we had those handles you can operate with your arms, but you do not have those at home normally. I love Clorox wipes for this reason. Or Lysol wipes.....whatever. I get out a wipe, turn on the faucet, wash your hands, wipe the faucet and turn off the faucet. Of course, you need to know, I worked in the medical field a long time and I might be overly cautious.|||theoretically, yes. however, if your hands are THAT dirty you should try wiping the handle off before shutting off the water, or spray it with a disinfectant before touching it. the germs that are on your hands are not necessarily all bad, and if you kill them all, your body will not have the immunity built up to resist any disease/infection/illness that might occur.

Is it bad for you to hanlde guns and ammunition and not wash your hands right after?

i read text on ammo boxes saying that the lead in it can cause birth defects and other problems. but it seems like alot of people dont pay attention to things like that. so is it bad to handle a gun and not wash.|||LOL.

Miketyson26|||Wear surgical gloves, and you won%26#039;t have to be concerned about washing your hands.*!!|||It%26#039;s always a good idea to wash off after handling ammo or lead residue. The risk depends on how often you are exposed. If you handle it every day, best to get in the practice of washing frequently.

This is not something to become obsessed over, but hygene is a good practice anyways.|||OSHA standards require a cross wind or air flow of a certain mile per hour draft for an indoor range. Lead particulates from fired rounds, can be inhaled and cleaning solvent alone can enter the human body through the skin and a combination of lead and cleaning solvent can ,with a lot of exposure, pose some risk.

Several manufacturers have made %26quot;plastic%26quot; clad lead bullets that mostly eliminate indoor airborne lead. I suppose to a very small degree, picking up a lead round could transfer some lead matter into a humans system but it is usually not that easy. The ablation process from firing a round does make lead more airborne.

If you shoot a typical 50 rounds of handgun ammo, once a month outdoors and then clean you gun, you should be safe. Odds are you get much more lead in your system from contact with other items such as old paint , the water you drink etc.

Yep, living on earth is hazardous to your health and no one gets off the planet alive.|||Yes, you will be exposing yourself to lead possibly by ingesting it.|||I always wash my hands off after I handle or clean guns and after handling ammunition. It%26#039;s just like the habit of washing your hands after using the bathroom.|||To be absolutey safe, it would be best to wash your hands after handling any lead containing material. /That would include ammunition and any gun that had been fired. Admittedly, the hazard is not all that great but lead is a cumulative toxin and while you may not acquire enough from one exposure to cause you to become sick, can acquire enough over time to become toxic. Why take the chance when it is so easy to simply wash your hands after handling a fired gun or some ammo. Better safe than sorry.|||Handling the firearm itself isn%26#039;t going to harm you, you might pick up some gun oil from it, so it doesn%26#039;t hurt to wash up afterwords. As for andling lead bulletts? Yes, you should alwasy wash up afterwords. The limited exposure you would get from it isn%26#039;t that big a deal, but lead toxicity is cummulative, so if you handle it a lot, it can build to toxic levels. Better to use a little soap and hot water than to chance a problem.|||%26quot;Is it bad for you to hanlde guns and ammunition and not wash your hands right after?%26quot;


Your hands become coated with powder and bullet residues after firing. There are toxic chemicals in the residue. It would be bad to rub such chemicals into the eyes, nose, mouth and etc.

Same is true of the lubricants and cleaning solutions used on firearms. It would be best to wash oneself after exposure to such chemicals.|||Don%26#039;t use hot water when washing your hands, that%26#039;s a mistake. Use cold water. Hot water can open up pores and the lead can be absorbed that way.

Always wash your hands afterwards. Don%26#039;t %26quot;macho%26quot; it out, like some people do with hearing protection, as well. The people who don%26#039;t pay attention aren%26#039;t exposed to it enough to learn a harsh lesson. I work at an indoor range, and we are always screened for lead poisoning (lead count in blood), as well as having information about lead poisoning pounded into our heads. Being sterile is not good, unless you%26#039;re a warrior monk .|||I have d-lead soap that I use after shooting or cleaning my guns, but just handleing them i use regular soap and hot water, and dont touch your nose or mouth until you wash|||To handle guns and ammo no it completely safe. The warning on the label is just to comply with federal regulations because lead is poisonous. But the answer to your question is no unless your a someone who goes to indoor shooting ranges a lot.

There has been a lot of proof in the past 20 years that Outdoor shooting ranges have provided a good degree of lead poisoning in the environment and Indoor shooting ranges have been proven to be dangerous to humans who go there as a hobby.

Check out this website to consider for yourself, but If your just handling them and hunting, your safe...

I would always wash my hands and usually take a shower after I go shooting or hunting so as long as your doing that, I see no harm.

Ace of the Deck,|||Naturally you want to wash your hands to get the GSR off in case you are stupid enough to kill someone!

Actually I wash my hands after handling ammo, I load my own .357%26#039;s and they are cast lead and cleaning my weapons. I don%26#039;t like to eat with dirty hands

Why the emphasis to wash your hands after touching a cold sore? Wouldn't the virus die within seconds?

Almost every website about Herpes Simplex says the same thing. They say that Herpes doesn%26#039;t survive long outside the body, so getting it from a toilet seat or some surface like that is next to impossible, but at the same time, they emphasize to wash your hands frequently during an outbreak to avoid autoinoculation of other body parts, and especially after touching a cold sore. This information seems contradictory, and I%26#039;ve never heard anyone address this issue. If Herpes survives outside the body for about ten seconds like I%26#039;ve read, what difference does it make if it%26#039;s on your hands or on a toilet seat? The only difference I see is the temperature, but they only address temperature when referring to Herpes surviving in a moist environment, like a wet towel. If it%26#039;s on a dry environment like on your hand, wouldn%26#039;t the virus die within a matter of minutes, if not seconds, without hand washing, or does the temperature of your skin alone keep the virus alive longer?|||I don%26#039;t know exactly how long HSV-1 can survive outside the body but it isn%26#039;t long. Yet it%26#039;s long enough to be transmitted, if statistics are anything to go by.

The emphasis on handwashing is because HSV-1 is transmitted mostly by lesions, secretions and viral shedding. You already know that touching a lesion transmits the virus to the fingers. But do you have any idea how many times a day you unconsciously touch other parts of your face? Your eye area, for instance?

The advice to perform handwashing after touching isn%26#039;t contradictory. It%26#039;s common sense. Your hand may be dry but the secretions containing the virus are not.|||Though the virus doesn%26#039;t live outside the body for long, it%26#039;s not just seconds. As well, the risk of autoinoculation is high. There are many, many cases of herpetic whitlow as a result of autoinoculation. In addition, it is possible to transmit the virus through asymptomatic viral shedding- so a person could have the virus and shed it without knowing. Most importantly, correct hand hygiene is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of organisms- whatever the organism may be.

When do you wash your hands when you pee, before or after?

or not at all?|||i think after you pee, it depends though if you%26#039;re a boy, then you really have to wash your hands but if you%26#039;re a girl, then you can, but you don%26#039;t have to.|||It%26#039;s pretty nasty for a woman not to wash her hands after she goes to the bathroom. Report Abuse
|||not really, it%26#039;s not as nasty as the guys?! i said, you can..but you don%26#039;t have to. it%26#039;s not like you touch %26quot;SOMETHING%26quot; while you pee. Report Abuse
|||sometimes at work before %26amp; after, otherwise always after.|||After|||Afterwards|||after,why?|||... Okay, I%26#039;m never shaking your hands.|||After.|||both|||if my hands are dirty, then before and after, but always after.|||in public, after, at home rarely|||after|||both so you don%26#039;t get you pee pee infected and so that you don%26#039;t pass any germs|||When do you wash your hands when you pee, before or after?

How do you wash your hands when you pee.

Wouldn%26#039;t it make it hard to focus on the urinal.|||Do you really have to ask this question or are you just wasting 10 points. It seems to me vary obvious to wash after and at least for 30 seconds.|||Always after going to any bathroom.........|||I f your hands are dirty,before and afer.Because there are a lot of germs there.|||afterwards|||In nursing school, we are taught that hands should be washed before and after using the bathroom. Whatever you have touched before using the bathroom can have germs that could give you disease, and not washing your hands after you use the bathroom not only is unsanitary, it%26#039;s just plain gross! Please wash twice, before and after.|||ALWAYS AFTER|||It depends on how dirty they are before I pee. I ALWAYS wash afterwards,if you don%26#039;t you are sick|||AFTER !!!!!!!!!!!!|||Both|||I do both. However it%26#039;s best if you do it definitely AFTER! Every time.|||There is a old joke Sailor and a Marine..both leaving latrine..Sailor states in the Navy we%26#039;re taught to wash our hands, The Marine answers..we%26#039;re taught not to pee on our hands.

But, what the hell wash anyway.......|||Hey!

You wash your hands afterwards to get rid of the germs you get on your hands. It is very unsanitary to not wash your hands at all, so please remember to wash them every time you go to the bathroom

Poll: Do you wash your hands everytime you use the bathroom?

Complete honesty here!|||most of the time|||Yes, not washing is disgusting!|||YES!!! HOW DISGUSTING!!|||Not EVERY time|||Yes, it%26#039;s nasty if you don%26#039;t|||Yes every time. It isn%26#039;t because I am so darn clean, rather it is such a habit that I have to.|||After I do and after my cat goes too (after cleaning his box).

When do you wash your hands after taking a dump?

A) never wash hands

B) always wash hands

C) only if there is poop on the toilet paper

D) if your finger smells|||oh no i never wash my hands.... not even after taking a dump that%26#039;s why i%26#039;m typing right now|||b|||ALWAYS WASH THOSE YUCKY GERMS AWAY|||B

What a question!||| a wash neva a walker,,,,,,,,,eeerrrrr lol|||b) always wash your hands because if your doing the other stuff your gonna die or get sick or some thing and thats just discusting!|||Answer is B ! Wash your hands every time that that You use the bathroom ! Be it number 1 or number 2.|||b|||always have the habit of washing your hands for the habit will always be a good remedy to avoid to much infection/disease being acquired everyday.|||of corse every one will pick b they well i am b but also cinda c|||i know the answer to this one... let%26#039;s;s %26quot;not until after the next time i pick my nose so i don%26#039;t have to wash twice%26quot; or mabey... b. hhhhmmmm????? %26quot;B%26quot;!!!|||The only correct answer to this question is B. Your hands should be washed with soap and water each and every time you use a bathroom. Not only can you come in contact with contaminates from your own body and /or body waste that can make you very ill but also you may come in contact with everyone else%26#039;s germs from things you touch in the restroom.|||uhhh....thats a wierd question but i would have to say

B...because whether or not there is crap on you hand microscopic germs i would rather take the time to wash my hands then get ecoli and spend more than just a craps worth of time with my head in the toilet...

atleast thats what you should do...but i know full and well that everyone is going to answer b except for the honest know most of you dont really wash your hands...eww

How many times a day do you wash your hands on an average day?

AND do you use soap?|||10-15 and yes I use soap. If there is no soap I carry the antibacterial gel with be.|||over 10 times a day, and yes I use soap.|||I always use soap and I probably wash my hands about 10-15 times a day.|||i actually have not taken the time to count but...i do wash them a lot since i prepare and serve food. plus each time i go to the rest room|||ABOUT 25-30 TIMES A DAY. I ALWAYS USE ANTIMICROBIAL/ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP, ALONG WITH FAIRLY WARM/HOT WATER. I NEVER USE TOWELS, RATHER, I USE A CLEAN PAPER TOWEL EACH TIME I DRY MY HANDS.|||I lost count. Yes I use dial antibacterial liquid soaps.|||10-15 or so. Yes, I use soap.|||455|||Everytime they come into contact with something unsanitary, full of bacteria, or just plain feel dirty. A lot. Obviously it varies depending on what I%26#039;m doing. But, I%26#039;m constantly conscious of it. Probably why I never get sick. We are always touching our eyes, nose, and mouth. If hands are dirty we%26#039;re exposed. So I wash a lot. Today already probably 15 times so far. And I don%26#039;t think that%26#039;s a lot. Everytime before and after handling food, going to the toilet. I avoid stair rails and escalator

handles because they%26#039;re laiden with germs and you can%26#039;t wash right away. And honestly, I wouldn%26#039;t say I%26#039;m an over doer. Oh yes anti-bacterial soap and water hot enough to kill the germs. Otherwise it%26#039;s pointless, but still better than not washing at all.

I carry liquid hand sanitizer as well.|||3-5 times a day and yes I use soap each time. People dont realize why I don%26#039;t get sick as much as I used too. It is because I wash my hands more often.|||like a million

ya you use soap|||i wash my hands at least 10-12 times a day and i use soap every time.|||20-25 times

i%26#039;m teaching my 2 yr old to wash his hands|||I use soap. I wash my hands all the time. Every time I touch my dog, every time I eat, Every time I use the bathroom, Every time I do dishes or laundry, Everytime I clean...ect

Do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom?

I just read an article that says only 85% of women do and only 65% of men do. Blech!|||Gross! I have a little phobia about bathroom germs. I use a paper towel to open the door because i know people are disgusting and don%26#039;t wash their hands, and I don%26#039;t want to touch the door after they have! And you KNOW the cleaning people never think to wash a door handle. EWWW.|||I always wash my hands

My favorite Far Side cartoon shows a man coming out of a restroom in a restaurant.

Over the bathroom door, is an sign, illuminating the words %26quot;DID NOT WASH HANDS%26quot; it%26#039;s classic!|||Heck yes i do. When i was growing up in elementary school, my dad was such a stickler for that stuff (he still is of course). My fourth grade teacher made us wash our hands in the bathroom before we would go to lunch. I told him I didn%26#039;t need to because I had wet ones (haha!) But I would go in to use the bathroom sometimes-and i would see people using the bathroom and leaving, and I%26#039;d be like, %26quot;Hey! You didn%26#039;t wash your hands!%26quot; and whoever it was would be like %26quot;I did when I first came in.%26quot;

I never understood that, and I don%26#039;t think I ever will; but I just thought it was funny. Whenever I don%26#039;t wash my hands after using the bathroom for whatever reason (and usually a good one- like no sink..), I always feel my hands are contaminated with something and I can%26#039;t touch anything, just out of habit of my whole life.

But it is always good to wash your hands multiple times a day!|||I always wash my hands.|||Eww.. I am all about washing my after using the bathroom, you never know what is around.|||that%26#039;s pretty disturbing! not to say that i always always always wash my hands after #1. i usually just rinse them a little for #1 if i%26#039;m at home (i always do in public though). but i ALWAYS wash them after #2!|||i always do.|||everytime!|||no, I wash mine before I go|||yep, im a cleaning fanatic|||Of course! It%26#039;s nasty not to.

...other peoples pee on your hands from when they wiped %26amp; then opened the stall door. Yuck!!!|||ALWAYS. And the number one cause of death from bacteria after surgery in hospitals is doctors and nurses not washing their hands between patients.

In an office I once worked, there were always women in the restroom, ears glued to their cell phones, doing number two, then leaving the restroom without washing their hands...|||Always!|||That is something that drives me crazy. If I go to the ladies room with you and you do not wash your hands, it becomes so difficult to respect you any longer. That is just disgusting...|||Thats gross and yes I DO!

How do you feel when you wash your hands in a public place and have to open the door?

Do you feel you like you shook every ones private parts.|||I never touch the knob. It%26#039;s disgusting, a lot of guys never wash so there%26#039;s crap on that knob. I always open it with the papertowel and then toss the towel in the trash from the doorway. If I can%26#039;t do that, I use my shirt to touch the door handle.|||in public bathrooms (which I avoid as much as possible)

I try not to, I look at the mirror or keep washing my hands or drying them etc until some one else opens it or I try to open from a spot no body touches like the top, or try to push the door open

some times I open it with a paper towel, if you touch the handle why wash your hands in the first place eh? especially in the guys bathroom, some people just have no sense of hygiene|||nope I save one of the paper towels I used to dry my hands to help me open the door|||I open it with a paper towel|||yeah i do, i use a paper towel or i try to push it open with out grasping the handle.

Do you feel restaurant menus are unsanitary and wash your hands before eating?

Never done that before i dont think about things lyk that 2 much|||Most resteraunt menus are not washed daily and are disgusting. Start paying attention and you will notice the stains adn even globs of food. ALWAYS WASH your hands after touching a menu. Remember to use a paper towel to open the bathroom door.|||Yes, they are very unsanitary. I try and wash my hands before. But I don%26#039;t always do so. I also try and have some hand sanitizer with me. But I don%26#039;t always have that with me either.|||we used to wash ours every day, but i still carry sanitizer in my purse.|||they are extremely unsanitary.....if you think about it but thats the thing...i dont.|||Not actually,maybe some need to. But the big resteraunts that make the big bucks like Applebee%26#039;s,

Macaroni Grill,Subway,and more. they have gotten pretty stick on the rules of keeping your hands clean.

I use to work in a Burger King and a Mcdonalds,and half them I must be honest do not keep up with it enough in most of the places. and then they got back on track.|||no and i never thiught about tha tbefore I will probbaly start now thanks for bringing thta to my attention|||Yeah, I usually use hand sanitizer or wash my hands.|||I do think menus are unsanitary. Even if they%26#039;re wiped down it%26#039;s usually with the same rag used to wipe down the table. I always carry hand sanitizer to help reduce bacteria. Same with those restaraunt buffets. Al those people and kids handling the tongs and ladles, it%26#039;s really sick and unhealthy.|||I carry hand sanitizer in my purse. I had issues with things that aren%26#039;t too clean in the public world. I believe we transmit a lot of germs by touching things that others touch and then not cleaning our hands before we eat something. We need to be more conscious of things like that.|||they are the most unsanitary next to the bathroom.|||I carry some Purell in my purse instead of going to the restroom to wash up while dining out.|||Yes. People touched those menus before you and who knows where those hand had been.

Is it illegal to be at work, go to the bathroom, and not wash your hands?

There are 2 execs at work me who twice i have seen using the bathroom and not washing their hands afterwards. I think it is disgusting. Is it illegal while they are at work not to wash their hands?|||If they don%26#039;t pee on their hands they don%26#039;t need to wash them.

It is not illegal. Gee wiz guy, I bet more than a third of men in the world don%26#039;t wash everytime they use the restroom.|||There is not a law that states that you must wash your hands unless you are handling food for other peoples consumption. Although it is totally disgusting there is nothing that you can do apart from speak to them about it.|||Are you in the food industry and do they work the food prep area or do you work health care? (Something similar?) If so there%26#039;s a health code issue. Otherwise, not that I know of.|||If they are working with food or things like that, i am prety sure it is as it is putting the rest of us in %26quot;danger%26quot;. But not only is it illegal, its friggin gross!

Tell your manager if you can! |||Depending on what business they are in, you must look at, company policy, or state, Federal standards. What is the occupation?|||No, not illegal, just poor hygiene. Offer them a squirt of Purell next time.|||Maybe, if they%26#039;re working with food, or at a hospital or something. I really don%26#039;t know; You should check your local laws.|||No, that%26#039;s legal.

Gross, but legal.|||Only if they are handling food.

Do you wash your hands after you use the toilet ?

Yes, and in a public restroom, I have a very OCD-like ritual for washing them....I HATE public restrooms...|||I wash my hands And as well as my private part after pee!!!|||yes...and if you dont ...its just nasty...|||yes it is very important that everyone washes their hands after using the toilet with antibacterial hand soap. do you know how nasty it is to have all those germs on your hands, and they enter your body through food that you touch and get sick. THAT%26#039;S REALLY NASTY!!!!! just the thought that you probably cook your own food, you leave the bathroom without washing your hands and then touch the food you are going to cook, yuk. I am one that if I am cooking and I need to use the bathroom before I leave I wash my hands and then again when I am in the kitchen. But if you don%26#039;t wash your hands I recommend that you start doing so.|||Yes|||I work in a middle school, I wash before AND after I go.|||duh, silly. its gross if you dont.|||Always|||yes|||yes but rarely after goin to toilet and forgeting 2 wash my hands i bite my nails just a habit in school Idont 4get 2 wash my hands but at home i dont|||Yes always , before I use the toilet and before I flush the toilet|||Well yeah, I do wash my hands. Its kind of nasty if I dont wash them since you know.....|||Yes i do!|||Yes. It%26#039;s more like a traditon, or part of an etiquette.|||yes, it is very important

Is it better to wash your hands in hot water or cold?

-- I%26#039;m having a little dispute with my younger sister who prefers cold. Please help me save her before her hands fall off...or freeze off, which ever comes first.|||flowerking, i was relieved when i finally seen somebody with some sense. ha! surprising how many people say that they use hot water to wash their hands!!!

proper hand washing: soap (enough to lather, rub/scrub your fingers palms and wrist vigorously and sing happy bday twice. the friction removes germs. rinse wrist allowing water to run toward finger tips then into sink. rinse well. dry.

temperature of water: tepid/warm is good. hot water will break down the skin which could lead to further problems and opportunity for infection.|||I pretty much said what I%26#039;ve been taught and using in my profession. Report Abuse
|||And I still didn%26#039;t get best answer. Report Abuse
|||I guess the asker is not into basic hygene. Report Abuse
|||HOT so it kills all the bugs and anything that might be lurking around on your hands. lol.

:D|||Hot water gets germs off easier.|||It%26#039;s better to use hot water because it kills the germs ... but sometimes you need to wash with cold water to wake up easier and flow the blood cycle faster ...|||hot water|||Hot Water is much better.

1. It takes off Dirt faster

2. It lathers easily

3. It cleanses better.|||hot water is best above 63 degrees it will kill all germs cold water we still be ok with an antibiotic handwash|||Hot water is better, of course! The soap dissolve better in hot water, and clean better than dissolved in cold water !

And by the way I prefer wash my hands in hot water, because hot water gives me much pleasure, and I like it !|||Hot water. Not scalding though. It helps kill those evil little germs along with soap.|||It is better to use hot water. It cleans them better and kills the bacteria off them better.%26#039;|||I would think hot water because it would help kill bacteria along with the soap...and I think it rinses better...|||i prefer warm ,but it doesn%26#039;t matter as long as you wash,of course,it is supposed to be healther in hot%26lt;%26gt;IS%26lt;%26gt;|||hot!!! so that it can kill bacteria.|||It doesn%26#039;t matter whether the water is hot or cold. Hot water doesn%26#039;t kill the bacteria. The soap does. The water would have to be too hot for you to stick your hands under before it would kill any germs without the soap. Many people don%26#039;t like the idea of sticking their hands (or for that matter, any other body parts) in cold water to wash them. But it will still do the job if you are using soap. How does something somewhere in the middle sound?

How to wash your hands:

1. Wet your hands with warm water.

2. Apply a generous amount of soap.

3. Rub your hands together for 20 seconds.

4. Rinse your hands.

5. Dry your hands with a paper towel.

6. Use the paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door.|||I actually believe that the truth is somewhere in between these 2- where the water would be a tepid temperature (room temperature) or warm, which is the most comfortable for washing your hands.

If I had to choose between the 2, I would probably vote for cold as you wouldn%26#039;t end up burning your hands- though freezing water is not comfortable either. At least not to me.|||lol.


theoratically.|||Hot water. It kills germs.|||i use hot kill%26#039;s germ%26#039;s not cold.

After cooking do you wash your hands or leave them so you can smell some fresh garlic for the rest ofthe night?

I kind of felt bad about washing them because it smelled so delicious|||I too love the smell of garlic, while it%26#039;s cooking though. I wash my hands with soap and water, then I use some lemon to get the smell off.|||I will wash and scrub and use lemon juice to get rid of the smell, but it never works because I carry around the stench of fresh garlic for two days after eating it.

It%26#039;s so damn good though.|||Definitely wash them.|||i am a garlaholic but do wash my hands after cooking, the smell is still as pungent lol|||I wash them, cause guess what, after I%26#039;ve cooked supper, I get to do the dishes...yeah|||I only like my fingers to smell like fish.|||I rub the smell off on the sheets.|||wash em%26#039;|||wash them

Are you suppose to wash your hands after playing with stray kittys?

Sometimes I even have to wash my face.|||Yes. Don%26#039;t skimp on hygiene for any reason. Here%26#039;s a very good rule of thumb: Any time you touch anything that you wouldn%26#039;t eat directly off of, wash your hands. I don%26#039;t necessarily mean immediately, but certainly before you%26#039;d eat something or touch any mucus membrane on your body.|||Ever been to the human society? They suggest that you wash your hands or use a disinfectant after handling any animal. They even have disinfectant pumps hanging on the walls.|||Kittys or Kittens? There%26#039;s a HUGE difference.

%26lt;---he advises you to call the center for disease control (CDC) anyway.|||of course.

you should wash your hands often through out the day, especially when handling any foriegn or filthy objects.. and especially with any animal.|||Yes. And also after playing with your own kitty if she%26#039;s been in the litter box.

Or just every hour on the hour. Go wash your hands and wipe down your keyboard.|||Wash your hands after playing with any animal. Stray animals would have more germs as you have no idea where they have been.|||Yes it may have germs or fungi or diseases my brother lost some of his hair because the cat was in very bad shape then he touched his hair.|||Where the hell did you find stray kittys? I thought I had wiped the neighborhood clean of those pesky gutter rats. *runs off with renewed resolve*|||Yes

Their playground could include such hazards as Rat Urine

Need I say more

unless you like spending the xmas holiday getting Tetanus shots in an oxygen tent -- Okay a bit extreme, but not impossible|||Yes.

Take the stray kittens to a shelter, please. That%26#039;d be a great help to them.|||Nope, your supposed to lick yur hands clean just like the kitty..


Yes... yes you wash your hands after touching any animal.|||Are you serious? You should wash your hands after playing with any animal or human for that matter!|||Yes, you might also want to use a hand sanitizer. I always keep a bottle of Purell in my pocket. |||Yes, cause they are dirty. At the least, you could maybe catch a cold from getting the germs in your eyes ans such.|||mmm hmm, you can get ringworm from them damn things.|||Yes, especially if you have cats indoors. You don%26#039;t want to pass any infections onto them. |||I would. I never know where kitties have rolled around in.|||Yes, and after going to the bathroom, and, wait didn%26#039;t your mom tell you these things.|||Yes, it%26#039;s better that way. But I like to let the kitty smell linger on my finger tips for a bit before washing.|||Its always better to wash your hands before you eat kitties.|||Yes, because that creates bacteria.|||Yes that would be advisable ;P|||Was this stray kitty mangy? Perhaps you should shave her.|||Just do like the kittys do and lick them clean|||It%26#039;s a personal choice. I like the smell of kitty on my fingers.|||that would be advisable!|||It would probably make sense. |||your hands and anything else for that matter......|||wash/ lick clean. same difference. |||Yes

Survey: How many times an hour do you wash your hands?

It beats falling asleep at your desk, yes?|||Never, I try to keep the stink palming to a max|||I keep a bottle of Purell on my desk for when someone wants to shake my hand. I hate it when people shake my hand. I just like to wave at them and hope they try to wave back, but nooooo, they have to go out of their way to shake my freakin hand.

If they knew what I did with it, they wouldn%26#039;t be shaking it so much|||once or twice, and it usually takes me about 15 mins or so to get to the bathroom thats 2 feet away from my desk. yay hygene!|||FK washes his hands so often. It is i he is refering who makes fun of him-constantly....

%26lt;---one could eat out of the hands of this freaking anal monster.....|||The Ashley that I know and love would just sleep at her desk and leave orange cheeto fingerprints all over the desk calendar.

Imposter|||3 times|||50 million|||Everytime they%26#039;re dirty or before touching my face.|||Depends on how many times my hands meander on down the diddle path.|||negative 2|||depends on how many times i go to the bathroom or have something to eat|||Does hand sanitizer count?|||hahah yeah and like 2-3 times|||Yep. 6.|||3|||an hour?

none, really. just when i go to the bathroom.|||at least once~

now, if you would have asked how many times I fall asleep at my desk... well, I lost track~|||probably three to four times an hour|||hmmmmm..i dont know,i dont care such things..|||yes, very much soo|||i dont know about hour, but day.....once, maybe.|||I wash my hands so often that some people make fun of me. I%26#039;m not OCD, I%26#039;m just anal...|||before i cook %26amp; after the bathroom|||yep|||Like... i wash my hands every... 5 hours... xD

I dunno, like i care.

Do you always wash your hands before you eat?

I normally do that.|||Hell yeah!! i am a hand wash junkie!!! I hate the thought of people not washing their hands. When my uncle is visiting, he will touch my kettle etc, after going to the toilet and not washing his hands!! eeeewww... I have to go on a cleaning spree!!!|||Dont unless ive just been either outside, feeding the animals, touching the animals, been to the toilet... and yeah, ill be honest usually i dont (if i havent been doing any of those things)|||sometimes i get them extra dirty right before i eat.|||Always. I have noticed people who don%26#039;t though. Disgusting.|||I WASH MY HANDS B4 I WASH MY HANDS|||Yes. Whenever I can.|||Nope, but I do before I cook for others, always. I really don%26#039;t worry so much about my own germs.|||Always|||i%26#039;m usually eating with a fork and knife but I always wash them before I make food|||usually|||sometimes but i did today|||i used to, but now only sometimes =/|||Always do.|||Yep|||Yes|||Yes-I do.|||Yup.|||not always, i try to as much as possible|||Most of the time....|||yeah or I use sanitizer if I%26#039;m not by a bathroom.|||I%26#039;ll just be honest


lol|||yes|||no|||nope|||Why do you wanna know .

ofcrz .|||i guess.|||no i pick my bum

When do you wash your hands?

I happen to have delicious soap, so I wash my hands every chance I get.. But I am seriously wondering about this, because I very often see guys walk out of a toilet without having bothered.|||I always wash my hands after using the restroom, changing the baby%26#039;s diaper, going out shopping (you know...after touching all that stuff that other people,who have NOT washed their hands, have touched), after a visit to the doctor%26#039;s office, after gardening .....oh! and after cleaning up dog poop!

Say.................maybe I should try your %26quot;delicious%26quot; soap?? :)~

mb|||please keep washing !!!!!! everyone should as much as possible i wished more people were like you|||everytime i leave the bathroom, wait to turn the water off with the paper towl i used to dry my hands, and open the door with it too. i%26#039;m always washing my hands, after touching different foods when cooking, picking up garbage, before i touch clean clothes in the dryer...|||I work with food and have worked in the medical field so it has been engrained in me to wash my hands often especially after the toilet, after touching my hair, after petting animals, before eating. People who have the availability of water and soap shjould really utilize it because it cuts down on germs that can cause sickness. I have lived in places where there isn%26#039;t as much running water and these places also have serious health problems.|||are do my dogs grooming and before eating or handling food|||guys will always be guys, right?|||before and after handling food ad after i m done in the bathroom|||i wash my hands after i smoke, before i eat, after going to the store , after going to the gas station, after going to the bathroom, after touchin food, after touching someone else, after all has been touched. pretty much|||You should wash your hands EVERY time they have come into contact with an organism carrying bacteria AND ALWAYS before you plan to put your hands on or in your mouth, eyes, nose, etc.

Bacteria is everywhere. Sneezing, coughing, sweat, fruits and vegetables, door handles, kitchen counters and bathrooms and so much more carry thousands of bacteria that multiply in warm environments. By not washing your hands when they may have come into contact with one of these organisms, you could be spreading E.choli, salomenella, and other nasty germs. So take care of yourself and others by eliminating these germs whenever possible!|||I%26#039;m 61 yrs old and i wash my hands whenever i think i could have even goten close to anything nasty, such as, after using a restroom ,shaking hands,wiping my nose or mouth,and using a door knob or handle to open a door,shopping carts or sneezing, in other words anything that comes in contact with the filth of humans.. SORRY IF I OFFEND YOU NASTY FOLKS !!! Just kiss my grits...!!!|||I don%26#039;t wash my hands, the dirt falls off in time and can only get SO dirty.|||I always wash my hands after an appointment with the porcelan throne. You run the risk of serious illness if you don%26#039;t.|||its even worse when you see a woman do it. Wash all the time. Alot of germs pass by our hands. Think of when you say hi to someone with a handshake...where has that hand been???|||I have a compulsive disorder when it comes to washing my hands I wash my hands many many times a day I could never walk out of a bathroom without washing my hands but|||i wash my hands before i go in and when i come out too.|||Most people are poor, hence dirty, hence do not wash hands.

I wash my hands because I%26#039;m morally superior.|||Walk out of a toilet without having cleaned your hand is a nasty and danger habit.

We must wash our hands after any job we do, before and after toilet, before and after eating or preparing meals. When we come back home and before sleeping.

We must wash our hands every change we have (as you say).|||I have asked this question before, and got bashed by the clean dudes. Most guys do not wash their hands after pee, or poop.|||Ew gross. Sometimes I wash my hands two or three times after coming out of the washroom, just to make sure all the germs I didn%26#039;t catch the first time go away. I also wash my hands before cooking, before eating, and after I%26#039;m done cleaning. I probably wash my hands about 10 times a day. Ever since SARS, I%26#039;ve been washing my hands ALL THE TIME!|||I wash my hands about 15 times a day, at least. I work in a doctor%26#039;s office, and I don%26#039;t want to take a chance on catching anything. I think it is disgusting when people don%26#039;t wash their hands after using the restroom.|||after i take a tinkle and and wake up or after work.|||before i cook , after the toilet and after being in the garden

i use the liquid soap and love the differnt aroma%26#039;s - sometimes I like to make bubles from them too!

one time at the dentist I saw him pick his nose and he didn%26#039;t wash his hands afterwards and he was going to work on me so I asked him to wash first - he did and he was also embarrassed|||i dont very much if im coming out of a restroom with wet hands its cause i pissed on em|||when they get dirty

and I suppose washing them with animal fat makes them clean|||never it just wastes my time it is so gay when you see people wash their hands|||I go downstairs for some hot milk, and here you are asking about mens bathroom habits...

I am giving you 30mins tops, so you%26#039;d better get to work! I%26#039;m not going to have sweet dreams reading these replys!!!|||It is the sanitary thing to do. Your hands make contact with everything. Plus after you wash your hands in the restroom do you then reach for the door handle when you go out? Because it is crawling with bacteria, from those guys who don%26#039;t wash. Open it with a piece of paper towel.

When you wash your hands?

You turn on the sink with the handle, then wash your hands, then turn off the sink with the handle again, doesn%26#039;t that just get all those germs back onto your hands?|||Excellent question. When i worked in the hospital, we had those handles you can operate with your arms, but you do not have those at home normally. I love Clorox wipes for this reason. Or Lysol wipes.....whatever. I get out a wipe, turn on the faucet, wash your hands, wipe the faucet and turn off the faucet. Of course, you need to know, I worked in the medical field a long time and I might be overly cautious.|||theoretically, yes. however, if your hands are THAT dirty you should try wiping the handle off before shutting off the water, or spray it with a disinfectant before touching it. the germs that are on your hands are not necessarily all bad, and if you kill them all, your body will not have the immunity built up to resist any disease/infection/illness that might occur.

Do you wash your hands after using the bathroom at home?

some people always wash, some people only do in public and some dont wash at all.

i personally dont wash at home. i guess i think its my stuff and if i want to get my germs on it i will. (no actual residue on hands), but in public the toilet flush handle is so dirty i feel that i must wash|||Its not that serious so I only do it in public, not at home. And I rarely get sick so all the hype is for nothing. Plus I bite my nails/skin.|||I wash my hands ALL the time! Private, public, or whatever really. I can%26#039;t remember the last time where I didn%26#039;t wash. It%26#039;s really hard for me not to, almost impossible to forget. I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s a habit, but a way of life almost!!! lol!

My hands always smell like soap.

Always... Always... Always...|||Most times I do. I know this is a strange reason but I do it because I like my soap dispenser. I just think it%26#039;s cool. Smells good too. My hubby does all of our house cleaning but I always clean and fill the little soap dispenser. I don%26#039;t know why I%26#039;m so hung up on it--I%26#039;ve had it for years and it%26#039;s nothing special, really.

The only time that I can think of where I might not wash is when my hands are filthy with dirt from working in the garden and I%26#039;m just running inside real quick to go. I%26#039;m just going to go back outside and put my hands in manure and soil so I don%26#039;t worry about it much. I know when I come in for the day I%26#039;m going to shower anyway.|||Everything in your house is probably covered with microscopic fecal matter.|||ugh thats about your guest/family and just to think you been at the refrigerator and touching door knobs....thats nasty you know|||Momma didn%26#039;t teach me to wash my hands after peeing, she taught me to not pee on my hands! Now poo, that%26#039;s another story.|||oh gosh yes, i make my children do it to... to not do it is just nasty|||I always wash at home.... Why would I want to touch my man member then handle food, the TV remote or touch my keyboard?....|||hell yeah

What's the thing where you wash your hands and shine them under light to see all the bacteria called?

I remember doing this when I was little and I can%26#039;t remember what it is called, or even if it has a name, but I remember looking at my hands under a light before and after washing hands to see the bacteria.|||microscopic, sounds like a granny -kid game to get kids to wash hands.

Is it safe to play with fire belly frogs and fire belly turtles as long as you wash your hands after?

Handling amphibians too much is not recommended. Amphibians have porous skin and will take things into their system very easily. The oils from your hands, residue from soaps, etc are not good for the frog and can be harmful.|||It%26#039;s fine. They sell fire belly toads at Petco.|||You should wash/sanitize your hands BEFORE and AFTER. Not just after. You need to be concerned about what bacteria you might accidentally give to the animals, and not just what they might give to you.|||oh YES%26lt; YES%26lt; and YESSS!!! They are fine creatures! and they need love too...

Do you wash your hands after going to the Toilet? My dad doesn't, what should I do?

It is really disgusting because sometimes he handles the cheese afterwards at the dinner table, which we all nibble at.|||Ewwwww....take him into the bathroom with a piece of bread. Wipe it on the toilet seat and ask him to take a bite. That%26#039;s not half as nasty as what could be on his hands after he uses the toilet. A bit extreme perhaps but it should make the point. Make sure there is always soap and a towel available in the bathroom.|||if you father not doing then you have to take an action againest your father because this may be a reason of any serious disease.

So take care about this|||Yes. Please don%26#039;t ever invite me over for supper.|||I wash mine before and after.|||WHAT THE CRAP! tell him! u do noot want to catch a desease. GOSH where are ppls manners these days?!?!

How do you write "wipe your butt" and "wash your hands" in japanese?

I want to create a humorous %26quot;haiku%26quot; type banner for the bathroom...|||wipe your butt


oshiri wo fukinasai

wash your hands


te wo arainasai


おしり(oshiri) = buttock

拭きなさい(fukinasai) - an imparative form of 拭く(fuku) = wipe

手(te) = hand[s]

洗いなさい(arainasai) - an imparative form of 洗う(arau) = wash

If you say these politely, then:


oshiri wo fukite kudasai


te wo aratte kudasai|||ワイプ 御主人 butt = wipe your butt

wash 御主人 ホールドアップ = wash your hands|||I don%26#039;t know %26quot;butt%26quot;. I suppose it means butter.

Wipe your butt.


- Bah-tah-ah woh fuh-kih nah-sah-ih.

bah-tah-ah = butter

fuh-kih nah-sah-ih = to wipe (imperative form)

Wash your hands.


- Teh woh ah-rah-ih nah-sah-ih.

teh = a hand, hands

ah-rah-ih nah-sah-ih = to wash (imperative)

I%26#039;m afraid I don%26#039;t have talent to make/understand Hah-ih-kuh which is too hard. I just put Japanese words against your English text.|||あなたのバットを拭きなさい

あなたの手を洗浄しなさい|||hmm, an english to japanese translator, google it.

When is it appropriate to wash your hands?

As a person recovering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (particularly with hygiene rituals), I wonder how often it is OK for me to wash my hands while still being in the %26quot;normal%26quot; range. Here is my guess for appropriate circumstances, if anyone has suggestions, especially for the last instance:

1) before eating/handling food

2) after using the restroom

3) whenever hands are tangibly dirty (as in, have food/dirt on them, etc)

4) MISC - after working with raw meat/eggs, petting an animal, dusting your house, etc

5) When returning from a public place where you had to touch a lot of communal items (e.g. handrails, library books . .. )

Please give me your opinion, especially on situations similar to 4 and 5.|||Once you have to think twice about putting your hand anywhere sensitive on your body then wash it: if it%26#039;s not clean enough to rub your eye or put in your mouth or touch your privates then wash it. In my opinion this is the only time it becomes necessary. Otherwise use Purell hand sanitizer anytime you receive documents from others or shake hands or enter or exit a public domain.|||Perfect!!

That is how I wash my hands!!

When u walk in the door from a public place u should always wash your hands!|||I%26#039;m a fan of the small hand sanitizers. I keep one in my office, house, and in my purse at all times. Oh, and I have one in my car for after pumping gas. I worked in the food industry forever and saw way too many videos about people not washing their hands after using the restroom. I have no problem telling people that I%26#039;m a germaphobe and wash my hands after everything. I also use the excuse that it is for their own good since my husband is a high school teacher and we all know how many germs are floating around over there!|||On every occasion it is highly important to wash your hands!|||I agree. I wash my hands after most of those and do not have OCD. I DON%26#039;T usually wash my hands after petting my own animals..I know my pets are disease free. I DO wash my hands after coming back from the store, etc. I never get sick either. HTH|||thats sounds just right|||I would also add after shaking hands with alot of people. If you go by your list, I would not include you as an OCD.|||Hi, Rachel

I think it is appropriate to wash your hands in all the cases you have mentioned above. You don%26#039;t want to over-do it by repeating it without being necessary. An easy example would be - you just washed your hands after visiting the bathroom. You went into you living room and then decided that it%26#039;s time to go to kitchen and cook. There is obviously no need to wash your hands now. also, you don%26#039;t want to be overly concious about it. For example, if you just petted your neighbor%26#039;s cute and healthy-looking cat on your way to work. I don%26#039;t think it is reasonable to return home for hand-washing before you continue your way. But if you are about to eat your dinner I%26#039;d say wash your hands. I wash my hands even after petting healthy animals because I know they like to roll around everywhere.

Since you asked in particular about 4 and 5 - yes, I think it is normal to want to wash your hands after those activities. However, it is important not to stress about being unable to do so if you don%26#039;t have a chance for it. Just get into habit of not rubbing your eyes or licking your fingers, that should be good enough to keep you healthy. Then wash them according to the list.|||I%26#039;m the opposite of obsessive compulsive and your list of items is exactly what I do.

It is not too much at all.

I especially like to wash my hands after I%26#039;ve gone somewhere out in public. I just feel dirty or something.|||wash your hands at every opportunity! you never know when someone there before you left a big bugger on the buggy handle at the supermarket! yukkk!!!|||Just wash your hands every chance you get. Or invest in some anti-bacterial lotion (even though it actually kills good germs on your hands) if you%26#039;re so crazy about it.

Definitely 4 and 5. Wash your hands before and after working with raw meat and eggs because you never know what you are giving someone or what the meat/eggs is giving you. People never realize how many germs are on keyboards and handrails, so I%26#039;m glad you realize this.

But, really, just wash before you eat. That way you won%26#039;t be washing them every 5 minutes. ;)|||you are right on all these! I%26#039;m ocd, i%26#039;m doing better...maybe i%26#039;ll try your list|||I think your list is pretty good, although I wouldn%26#039;t wash my hands after touching library books. Germs have a very short half-life, meaning that many of the individual germs in a group of germs deposited by someone on an item die very soon after they are deposited. As the previous person mentioned, there are pretty much germs on everything, but in such small numbers that they are not likely to make you sick. Also, you don%26#039;t need to worry so much about touching metal objects (coins, railings, etc.), because germs don%26#039;t live very well on metal.

Best wishes for a life of wellness!|||Sounds good.|||That is very appropriate. I would add: everytime I walk into the house, whenever I finish pumping my gas, and before I leave work.|||After touching your pet,

Before going out.

Before sleeping|||Well what you have stated all are correct and should be practiced.On 4 and 5 very much so due to e-coli. and germs from others that touch things in public. I always when I come home from shopping I was my hands. Your fine, at least you will not catch as many bugs as most.|||all 5 would be appropriate|||always,....exept after sex|||the 5 you mentioned seem to be standard|||Good list. This is the info from the CDC, in case you haven%26#039;t seen it.

%26quot;When should you wash your hands?

Before preparing or eating food

After going to the bathroom

After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has gone to the bathroom

Before and after tending to someone who is sick

After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing

After handling an animal or animal waste

After handling garbage

Before and after treating a cut or wound%26quot;

Also, they advise washing hands for 20 seconds. (The amount of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice!) I know I do not scrub my hands for that long.|||You are correct on all of the above. You should wash your hands or keep hand sanitizer handy for situations like #5. I keep a travel pack of disenfectant wipes with me to wipe the handle of the shopping carts and to wipe my hands if I have to handle a lot of communal items.

Now that it%26#039;s cold and flu season you%26#039;ll want to make sure that you don%26#039;t touch your face, nose or eyes especially after touching communal items.|||I think in all 5 instances I would wash my hands. This is not about etiquette. It is about cleanliness. I believe all examples you gave are adequate reasons for maintaining good grooming habits as well as remaining healthy. Worrying about what is %26quot;normal%26quot; has nothing to do with it. If your hands are dirty, wash them. (Try not to focus on that question throughout the day). Also, antibacterial hand gel is good for just a quick scrub. Even though I use it alot, I always try to wash my hands with warm water and soap before eating/handling food.|||All of the above and I would add %26quot;Before handling babies%26quot;. Your body has an amazing immune system and that starts with your epidermous (Skin). Trust your body to do it%26#039;s job, be smart where you place your hands and how your hands touch your eyes and nose. I would also recommend a daily dose of vitamin C to maintain and support your immune system. This daily dose will also add in gaining confidence that your body is completely capable of fighting off an amazing array of external environmental nasties... Good luck!|||Yes, all those situations are appropriate and if it makes you feel better there are the bottles of sanitizers that you can put on throughout the day, many people have them at their desk or in their bag and use them whenever.|||Sound right to me. And if you have a problem w/ your hands getting raw, use cheap vodka to rinse them w/ instead of washing at home occasionally, like for 5).|||I am a nurse and all of these times seem perfectly reasonable to me. I even like to wash my hands after I have used a public railings to climb stairs or a public computer at work. Hope this helps.|||your list sounds just right to me. thats the way my mom taught me. its good to keep clean because there are lots of germs out there. your doing good!|||after touching something dirty|||the first 3 are appropriate i dont think you need to wash ur hands after dusting unless ur hands are covered in dust then wash them plz! its not necessary to wash ur hands after going to a public place these germs are not strong enough to hurt u. there are germs everywhere that are not gonna hurt u.|||You should wash your hands after all of the above listed.

Is it necessary for you to wash your hands after blowing your nose?

If you%26#039;re sick, otherwise the tissue protects you. Unless it gets too wet|||It is recommended. When you blow your nose, mucous, along with mucosal cells are blown and transmitted onto the tissue, your hands, and the surrounding air (despite how well you think you blow your nose, fluid is very easily aerosolized). It is this fluid/cells that transmit disease when other people around you come in contact with it.|||oh god yes. i%26#039;m a microbiologist - you wouldn%26#039;t believe the germs you can spread by something as simple as blowing your nose, even with layers of tissues. scrub with warm soap and water (soap DOES NOT have to be antibacterial, just the motion of rubbing and rinsing will get rid of lots of germs!)|||Pretty gross if you don%26#039;t clean up somehow. I keep that antibacterial gel at my desk and use that afterward if I must blow my nose. I%26#039;m sure microscopic stuff you can%26#039;t see flies out and gets on your hands and the part of the tissue you don%26#039;t have your nose on.|||i usually dont, unless you get some on your hands.

then i deffinatly would, and not just wipe it on your pants.

like, what if the last person you shake hands with get their

boogies on there hands and didnt wash them?

now you have their germs all over your hands.

hahhhah, ewwwwwwww.|||not unless you are sick. obviously if you have something like swine flu you would want to prevent spreading the germs to others. lol im reading the other responces its almost like they thing you blowing your nose onto you hand and nothing else|||Yes, but hand sanitizer is quicker and easier to use. I keep a little bottle of it just in case.

But if you have a blow out, better use soap and water!|||it depends. if its on ur hands then definitely. if ur hands are wet after you blow into a tissue than definitely. but if its into your sleeve than no just change your shirt. Basically, if u can feel it, wash it off|||i carry handsanitizer in my pocket.

Yes i would wash your hands unless ur not going to touch anything on ur face. You can get sick from not washing ur hands especially after blowing ur nose or picking it lol|||Yes. Because when you blow your nose alot of mucus and germs come out. When you wash your hands you reduce your chance of getting sick, or getting some one else sick.|||Totally. I would depending on how %26quot;much%26quot; stuff came out. Alot, and I would. Not alot, and I would%26#039;nt.|||Always have tissues and hand sanitizer on hand, so that you won%26#039;t need to wash your hands.|||Yes. Just think H1N1. Please wash your hands after blowing your nose. Please.|||It depends if u got any boogers on ur fingers cuz they leaked through the tissue.|||Yes!!!!! Most definitely.|||Depends on where you live. Some people think its nasty, others dont care. YES!!%26gt;!%26gt;!%26gt;%26gt;!|||Yes, but usually people are covered by the tissue, or at least I hope.|||You actually have to ask?|||Ofcourse You should!!!|||Yes you sicko!|||Yes.|||Yes|||Yes. because you will be spreading unwanted germs.|||hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u wudnt want ur germs to get into wat u eat!

+ its nasty!|||I don%26#039;t wash my hands! after blowing my nose so no it%26#039;s not necessary!|||Yes!!

please do ,at least for the sake of others !|||yes

How many times a day do you wash your hands (rough estimate)?

Id say I do at least 5 or 6, probably more|||depends how often i pee|||probably about 5 - 6...

what a weird question :)

Peace x|||12 to 15 at least. I am convinced everything you touch has 2nd hand germs. I still see a lot of guys leave the restroom and grab the door handle and never look at the sink.|||At least 10 times a day but probably not more than that|||To many to count I am a mom of twins and there both very young so my hands need to stay clean!|||2 or 3|||6 or 7|||Same if not more, im picky with that kinda stuff.|||prolly like the same as you|||atlest 6 times or more|||I%26#039;m a student chef. Like 15 to 20.|||About 9 or 10. =]|||about 7-8.

Do you wash your hands after making unpleasant decisions ?

Pilate Syndrome ?|||Yes, yes I do.

Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder? I might.|||Mentally erase the thought, or do you mean, literally?

Yes to the former and No to the latter....|||No, if you do I think you most likely have OCD.|||umm no i dont actually my friend does though. but she has ocd. she always washes her hands

How many times do you wash your hands in a average day?

A- 5-10

B- 10-15

C- 15-20

D- Over 20 times

For speech am giving on washing hands and preventing the spread of germs|||maybe over 20 defenetly|||c--hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of germs. I am also a big freak about NOT touching door knobs and doors. And never ever touch any ones keyboard and mouse without gloves or Lysol spray!|||D over 20 times. I am a nurse|||Immediately before touching food, silverware, dishes, etc., even if I washed them five minutes earlier. I never counted, but I%26#039;m sure it would be D+.|||below 5 times a day after i take a $hit and when my hands are greasy dats the only time

Is it unhealthy to always wash your hands with anti bacterial soap?

if it is what soap do you recommend?|||You%26#039;re actually better off just using regular soap and staying away from the antibacterial stuff - you%26#039;re also killing the good bacteria. just try different soaps and see what you like best - my skin is very dry so I stay away from soaps that dry them out more - I use liquid soaps made for moisturizing - just a matter of preference. It really is a matter of lathering up good and rubbing for a little bit - and using clean towels to dry. Doesn%26#039;t mean you have to use a clean one every time. If someone is sick, they really should use their own towel - which everyone should have anyway. MRSA happens more in the hospitals -|||no. Antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing germs than regular soap. It%26#039;s all in hand washing technique. The most effective hand washing requires warm water, washing from elbows to fingertips/nails vigorously for at least 30 seconds. You need to work up some lather also.|||With the brand-new thing we should worry about, MRSA, I%26#039;d wash my hands frequently with any regular anti-bacterial soap. In fact, it%26#039;s highly recommended. Now if you are speaking of the soap that%26#039;s usually found in hospitals or clinics, I don%26#039;t know for sure. Washing hands, washing hands...

What is the correct amount of time it takes to wash your hands after using the restroom?

soap . water. rub. sing the ABC song thats it. Had to know to pass the servesafe test fast food manager.|||sing the happy birthday song twice!!!

(So roughly around two minutes)|||Its supposed to be about 30 seconds.|||I don%26#039;t wash my hands. If I%26#039;m so dirty %26#039;down there%26#039; that I need to wash my hands then I%26#039;ll take a shower.|||60 seconds your gonna get germs by touching the door handle so why try to get them all of by washing your hands.|||I have always told my kids to sing either Happy Birthday or their abc%26#039;s. It has seemed to help them. it is a rought est of about a min.|||sing %26quot;the happy birthday%26quot; song x2|||Sing the alphabet two times|||Sing happy birthday to yourself while you lather and then rinse.|||sing the ABC%26#039;s twice

start above the wrist and wash down

rinse the same way so dirt rolls off

paper towel drying is best

the air dryers can help incubate germs

cotton towels can harbor germs


HOW HARD IS THAT?|||Medically it should take the minumum of 2 minutes. It should include washing of the hands, wrists and scraping gunk from under your fingernails.|||doing kidney dialysis in the home, we were told by the doctor that hands should be washes with soap and warm water for at LEAST 3 min.|||2 minutes or however long it takes u to sing Happy Birthday|||45 seconds|||Correct Handwashing Techique

Pull down paper towel

Wet hands and lower arms under warm, running water.

Apply soap and lather hands to loosen dirt and bacteria

Rub hands and lower arms vigourosly for 20-30 seconds. Friction helps to remove microorganisms and dirt. (Encourage children to sing the ABC song while rubbing their hands with soap.)

Pay special attention to rubbing soap on the backs of hands, between fingers, and under nails.

Rinse hands thoroughly under running water to remove dirt. Keep hands lower than wrists to prevent recontamination. Leave the water running.

Dry hands and arms carefully with paper towel.

Use the paper towel to turn off water faucets (This prevents hands from becoming contaminated again.)

Open bathroom door with paper towel and discard it in an appropriate receptacle (preferably one that can be opened with a foot pedal or one without a lid.)|||3 mintues, that what they taught us when I became a CNA.|||2 minutes|||Depends on what type of soap you are using, and also the type of chemical ingredients.|||I had a friend that use to sing the Happy Birthday song.|||3 hours|||The question is ambiguous.

Depends whether u went in for a piss or ****!!|||At least 15 seconds.|||Until the blue ink is gone.|||Sing through happy birthay twice slowly|||i dont know|||it should be about 40 seconds and make sure u use soap and warm or hot water!!! not too hot though.... dry ur hands well and use the towel to turn off the water and open the door... fi there is no towel use ur sleeve or toilet paper|||This is just and approximation but 1 to 2 seconds tops. We have to preserve our environment.|||20 seconds. Front and back. Using soap with lukewarm water.

How many times a day do you wash your hands?

*so many times that i couldn%26#039;t even count*|||I work with food alot, so probably between 15 and 17 time from 6am until 11pm|||At least 8-10 times...|||Everytime when i finished using the toilet %26amp; before every meal. Average is 10.|||Four or five times? Why?

I%26#039;m not like OCD ten times. Don%26#039;t wash them too much or theyyl%26#039;%26#039; dry out.|||Depends on the day and what I am doing.|||A lot. Always before eating, after the toilet, after handling anything like the vacuum, garbage, after going to the store. I%26#039;m a nurse and it drives me crazy if I haven%26#039;t washed my hands. I can just feel the germs.

If you use an acidic liquid to wash your hands, will it kill more bacteria compared to a less acidic liquid?

more specific. will it kill more bacteria in your hands if you use the juice of a lemon to wash hands compared to washing it with plain water|||Yes, if you use the juice of a lemon to wash your hands, it will kill more bacteria on your hands than washing with plain water. Of course, if you do that too much, you will get chapped hands.

The slice of lemon that you sometimes get when you order a drink in a restaurant can be used to somewhat sterilize the lip of the bottle or the glass that the drink comes in - if you are in a country where the water (or restaurant hygiene) is questionable.

Some alkaline or basic substances can be harsher than some acidic solutions. For example, a very strong solution of hydrogen peroxide can eat the flesh off your bones (I%26#039;m NOT talking about the very dilute 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide that people put on their wounds - I%26#039;m talking about a very concentrated solution).

Can you wash your hands with shampoo?

This is coming from my girlfriend here, she is training to be a cosmetologist. She discovered today that her teachers are putting shampoo in the soap containers that the students use to wash their hands with. The act sparked a debate: Can shampoo be used to wash hands effectively? I say shampoo has to have some cleaning qualities; my girlfriend says that shampoo most definitely is not equivalent to anti-bacterial soap and therefore should not be labeled as such in a container.

Can shampoo be used to wash hands, and it is anti-bacterial?|||Is your girlfriend a to be gorilla or a wooly mamoth.. r plans to become one..., Kidding|||It%26#039;s not antibacterial but there is no reason you can%26#039;t use shampoo to wash any part of your body. It is a clensing agent and will kill most germs. Washing with warm warm water and any soap is enough to kill most germs.|||Of course it isn%26#039;t the equivalent of anti bacterial soap but its darned close to regular hand soap.|||I do dat junk all da|||Sure you can, you can wash your hands with Mud, Doezn%26#039;t mean they%26#039;ll get clean, Your going to get sick if you do that ;)|||I suppose if your state requires a MSDS to be posted and all containers must contain the exact ingredients listed on the bottle, they could be in violation of OSHA regulations.

Yes it will clean your hands. BTW, regular soap and antibacterial soap clean your hands equally as well when used properly.|||There are few real differences in hand soaps, shampoos, and body washes. It%26#039;s all marketing. Read the ingredient labels; there are the same fundamental ingredients - sodium laurel sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate.|||Can you girl friend cut my hair.

If you have hairy palms its OK|||Yeah. And it can wash clothes. Powder laundry soap can clean your bathtub. Works like Comet. You can wash your hands with dish soap. You can wash your clothes with body soap. You can wash your dishes with hand soap. You can wash your dishes with body soap. You can moisturize your hair with olive oil. You can cook with olive oil. You can condition your hair with egg. You can brush your teeth with baking soda. You can clean your house with baking soda. It smells good on carpet. So does baby powder. You can clean your tennis shoes with toothpase, with a toothbrush. You can use Windex to clean counter tops. The list goes on. And on. And on.|||Of course shampoo can be used to wash your hands - and no it is not anti-bacterial!!!|||Not anti-bacterial, but definitely soap. It%26#039;s been proven that the %26quot;anti-bacterial%26quot; agent in hand washing liquid is so infinitesimal that it won%26#039;t kill germs any more than plain soap. So use shampoo, it cleans just as well as anything else and smells nice, too.|||yea you can use shampoo to wash your hands. i know people who use it to wash there bodies in the shower!!!|||yes you can because i%26#039;ve done it before and nothing happened to me but its better to use soap like usual

Do you wash your hands when you leave the restroom?

If yes, GREAT!

If no, can u please tell me why not!|||Haha.... I do. It%26#039;s funny that most of us girls will wash our hands after the toilet, but when I always asks my guys friends majority of them says %26quot;No%26quot;. What the hell....... right. But they always says it%26#039;s not dirty I didn%26#039;t touch my penis or my pants are my own drying machine for the piss %26quot;No need for water%26quot;. I had the chills when they keep saying that. I know they made that excuse up. They will never tell us gals the truth....|||Every time, and i carry hand sanitizer with me.

I%26#039;m so surprised by the amount of people that just walk out the toilet, fix their hair with un-washed hands and then leave.|||I wash my hands every time I leave the restroom, I even wash my hands after I take out the trash.

Peace and Love.|||Every time.|||Yes!|||always wash mine|||Yup, i would feel discusting if i never washed my hands

How long should you wash your hands for after masturbting??

im a 14 year old male and i wash my hands alot and after i masturbate i have to wash them for a long time but how long should i wash them for after masturbating or how long is neccessary to clean them probably afterwards.|||you should wash your hands thoroughly for 30 seconds with good soap and luke warm water.|||Well, juice that comes from you is neither disgusting nor toxic. Just wash your hands once like you normally would after you%26#039;ve pooped!|||This could be a manifestation of how dirty you feel inside after the act like Lady Macbeth. As long as you don%26#039;t **** all over yourself you don%26#039;t need to wash that much.|||not long, jsut wash it off.|||You should wash it for 5-6 times when you are using a normal soap but if you like to make it shorter time you should use liquid soap so that you can wash it for only 1-2 times|||I would say just as long as you would after using the bathroom!|||Not long. Just how long as you normally wash them for. I would say a few seconds, maybe 10 or longer if you want. Depends how dirty they are and if you use soap or not.

What is the whole in the sink that is close to you when you wash your hands for?

I have always thought it was to help from the sink from overflowing. But that is a good question.|||That hole is for excess water drainage. So that if you run the water in the sink with the bottom hole closed, and it gets up to that hole on the side, it can start draining some of the water back down the drain through that hole.

Take care.|||To keep it from overflowing....|||That hole in the front of the sink is a safety gap, to prevent the sink from overflowing.

If the main drain should become clogged, or if someone should accidentally walk away and leave the water running, that safety gap will keep the house from flooding.

Of course, it will not keep the water bills from rising, as long as the water is running . . .|||The %26quot;HOLE%26quot; is for overflow

Do you sing the happy birthday song to yourself when you wash your hands?

You%26#039;re supposed to.

I do.|||no I sing my alphabet|||only at the hospital. lol.|||no, lol.


Do you honestly wash your hands after going to the bathroom?

I never used to. Seriously. I actually really used to take pride in that. With my friends in public, I would go as far as turning on the faucett and purposely NOT touch the water. And I made sure they saw. I always got a laugh out of it.|||ugh lol only 50% of the time...ok a lil more than half the time i do wash my hands...its gross though:-P but sometimes i just don;t bother|||Yes I do, every time.|||I do at work, but I don%26#039;t at home.

And yet, despite not washing my hands all the time, somehow I don%26#039;t get as sick as others who do.|||boo f*cking hoo. i do not have OCD! i don%26#039;t get anything on my hands, and i never get sick. LOL|||YES.!!! omg youre the reason why even after us normal people wash our hands we hold on to that paper towel for dear life to turn the faucet off and open those darn pull the door handle. we don%26#039;t want your piss on our hands too! gross!|||Yes you should. End of story|||When I was younger,

I used to be lazy about washing my hands.

And for some strange reason, I was always

catching every cold and flu bug that came around!

Then I decided to be more diligent about washing

my hands and guess-what?

I hardly ever catch colds and the flu anymore!

Who-Knew?|||if im in a publis restroom i will definitly. but at home, its not always necessary for me. i will sometimes though just because its more sanitary but, eh.|||I really do wash my hands EVERY single time I go to the bathroom.

Especially at work; the toilet is the cleanest thing in a public bathroom... everything else you have to touch, like the door handle and flush handle is FILTHY. Plus with all the door handles and stuff we touch during the day, it%26#039;s good to wash your hands a few times a day anyway. Even if the act of going to the bathroom didn%26#039;t bring you in contact with germs, it would be good to wash your hands while you were there by the sinks.|||Yes, I do, and I rarely get sick and have no communicable diseases.

Think about what%26#039;s on that faucet the next time you put your hands on your private parts...|||somtimes I dont when I go number one I dont always to though.|||Yes, of course.|||ewww.. thank god you are not my friend!

YES.. YES.. YES..|||99% of the time I do. The only exceptions are a) in the middle of the night--I don%26#039;t want to stand there and wash my hands when I could be back in my warm bed, and it%26#039;s not like I%26#039;m going to touch anything anyway, and b) if I%26#039;m using the bathroom and I hear the kids starting to fight/cry because they%26#039;re hurt, etc., I%26#039;ll run out to check on them then wash my hands in the kitchen. This rarely happens though.|||Heck yeah everytime and if I see someone not washing their hands after coming out of the bathroom like relatives, I tell them. Once, I saw a Burger King employee come out of the bathroom and went right back to fixing the food without washing her hands, of course I didn%26#039;t eat there--I left.|||I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wash my hands after the bathroom. I wash them after grocery shopping and pumping gas too.

I got sepsis once and very nearly died. Sepsis is a horible blood infection that I got because someone didn%26#039;t wash their hands after going to the bathroom and then preparing my food.|||Absolutely yes.

I feel like there is literally a layer of germs and crap covering my hands and I can%26#039;t leave the room without washing my hands and opening the door with a paper towel|||Great way to spread disease, especially if you cook/prepare food after you don%26#039;t wash your hands. Try getting fecal matter in your food, hopefully survive, pay the doctor bill and then take pride in not washing your hands.

Yes, I wash my hands after I use the restroom.|||ALWAYS! It grosses me out if I don%26#039;t, and it%26#039;s my own stuff! I even turn the water off and open the door with a paper towel, because of people who do what you used to :o)|||You should always wash your hands after using a restroom. First of all, there are so many germs in a public restroom! Do you know that when you flush a toilet, feces and urine spray all over the place!?!?! GROSS! I wash my hands every time I use. Now, when I%26#039;m in my house, I won%26#039;t wash them if I just take a tinkle and I don%26#039;t plan on cooking. But you should always wash them after the other!|||of its just peeing and im home chilling then no

shrugs*|||If you knew what microscopic bugs crawled on each surface you touched and what those bug could do to you. You would wash your hands more. Trust me. Go visit a hospital sometime and ask a nurse. I wash my hands bathroom or not. Consequently its been years since I had a cold.|||I can%26#039;t ever leave the bathroom without washing my hands|||YES i do. i am part of the antiseptic society!|||Didn%26#039;t too much until worked with a former nurse who showed me how she washed her hands very frequently during the day, including always after restrooms. She very rarely got sick and we worked with a lot of people. She said alot of people forget to scrub the the tops of their hands, too. Also they should put their fingers between each other like you are praying and wash there. My mom says sing, %26quot;Happy Birthday%26quot; so it%26#039;s long enough, but articles usually say about 20 seconds of washing.

Also, she would say that we should insist that doctors wash their hands if they come into your hospital room if they don%26#039;t. There is a sink there for that purpose, so they don%26#039;t carry staph, etc. , etc., person to person to person.

If you use hand sanitizer, someone else told me you can use it before you are with people who are sick, too, to protect against germs, as well as afterwards. Was told to use the sanitizer twice at a time as the % alcohal is not high enough to be totally effective otherwise.|||Absolutely! I do enjoy eating you know. I care about those i touch. I wouldn%26#039;t want to leave germs everywhere and make those I love terribly ill. Particularly now that they have the SUPER BUG popping up! It%26#039;s called MRSA! Google it!|||I didn%26#039;t always do it but I always do it now because I know that it is the better decision. Whatever u might think, you don%26#039;t want to carry whatever is in the restroom back to whatever u were doing. Our hands were made so we could frequently wash them. We are meant to wash them or you might find yourself with some funky illness or skin condition. Do yourself and others a favour and please wash after. It doesn%26#039;t take long...You%26#039;ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose, right?|||Yes, I do.

We are civilized, we all should.

If not because you want to, then for the sake of sanitation and good hygiene|||Not only do I wash my hands after, but I wash them before I go. You never know what is on your hands and if the germs can spread to your private parts. I also use a paper towel to open/close the stall door. If you think of it, someone just wiped and then touched the lock to go out and wash. Yuck! I don%26#039;t want someone elses pee on my hands (even for a minute) till I go and wash.

Please, for your sake and that of your friends, wash.|||Yes i seriously do... eww dude.|||I used to when I was really young and didn%26#039;t know much about bacteria, now that I know, I wash my hands about 30 times a day regardless of whether I use the washroom or not, just a sanitary thing. It is possible to get HIV/Aids from not washing hands and then shaking or touching there hands, so please wash your hands after each time you use the bathroom.

How many times a day do you wash your hands?

I tend to find myself washing my hands... a lot.

I don%26#039;t know why either, just always have.|||Not sure really, can%26#039;t say I ever really counted. Or how to count, since if one is washing one%26#039;s face (or the dishes), one%26#039;s hands get washed anyway. Generally, I wash my face twice a day, unless for some reason I manage to get dirty. More and my skin doesn%26#039;t like it., always after using the bathroom, of course. And then maybe twice? Not including the face washing? I guess it depends on what I%26#039;m doing.

Increases if I notice someone with a cold I%26#039;ve come in contact with. Oh, and always before I prepare food, and that%26#039;s about twice a day. (I tend to skip breakfast.)

If I tried to average it, I%26#039;d probably say somewhere between five and seven. I%26#039;m not compulsive about it. If they need it, I wash.|||I have a little bit of obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to washing my hands, meaning I was them ALOT!!|||too many times, probably 20 or so.|||whenever I get the chance; the restroom, before %26amp; after meals,....|||A lot of times|||25 times ............i know its too much!!|||Some people with OCD wash their hands alot.

I wash it about 5 times....

Do mood rings still work when you wash your hands?

Cause I bought one from a gift shop, and I wash my hands before and after I eat, and I ate, so...|||I always took mine off but I dont see why they wouldnt especially after they dry.|||the only thing mood rings do is sort of tell you your body temperature. the reason why mood rings are blue...that%26#039;s what color it changes to at normal body temperature. and if you wash your hands in either really cold or really hot water, they usually turn black, but slowly revert back to blue.

so they still work after you wash your hands for a good while. eventually, the colors will whirl and sort of get cloudy, but that should be a while.|||well i don%26#039;t think your supposed to get them wet so....|||Yes, mood rings turn colors depending on temperature so water would just make it change colors, not damage it|||I would think so, but only after it got dry....I have one I have had for several years.... Fun, aren%26#039;t they?|||%26quot;Mood Rings%26quot; or any type of %26quot;Mood Jewelry%26quot; should never be exposed directly to water. The reason is that if moisture or water seeps into the %26quot;Liquid Crystal%26quot; (the color-changing element), it will become diluted %26amp; no longer work as well -and- eventually won%26#039;t work at all. This is why, when you buy a %26quot;Mood Ring%26quot; or any other piece of %26quot;Mood Jewelry%26quot;, it often says at the bottom of the %26quot;Mood Color Chart%26quot; to %26quot;Avoid Water%26quot;. Fortunately %26quot;Mood Items%26quot; are usually pretty inexpensive %26amp; if yours has become water-logged (so-to-speak), you can probably easily afford a new one.

For killing germs, is it better to wash your hands in hot or cold water?

I%26#039;m thinking cold; germs can%26#039;t survive cold, can they?|||it is best to wash your hands with hot water and an anti-bacterial handwash.|||Warm water and antibacterial handsoap.

:o)|||hot, very hot water.|||I am going to say hot/warm water with soap is the best because it is more conforting to me! I do not like being so cold, unless I am hot. So the hot water does two things, cleans and keeps me warm!|||I recently heard that it was better in luke warm water. Cold water does not kill germs and when you wash in hot water, you tend to not wash as long since the water is hot.|||use hot water, it kills germs(that%26#039;s the reason we boil water)|||hot or cold water doesnot make much difference. Better use some antiseptic liquid like dettol|||hot water kills germs its just like heat when cooking germs get killed at a certain temperature use a bacteria killing soap also and wash thoroughly|||hot soapy water|||I think hot water would be better.|||Use warm water (not cold or hot) when you wash your hands.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do you wash your hands after you go potty?

Ew if you don%26#039;t! Didn%26#039;t you Mamma teach you good manners? I wash my hands after using the toilet.|||So you should. It will protect you and those around you from ill-health.|||yes always wash them very well. i agree with you if people out there don%26#039;t ew. you know what bugs me when i go to walmart and the girls come out for m going to the bathroom and don%26#039;t wash their hands then while im in the store i look for them to make sure i don%26#039;t touch anything they touch|||ALL the time. And various times throughout the day when I feel like it%26#039;s been long enough between wash times. I%26#039;m slightly germaphobic.|||Dude. Like..No. That%26#039;s overrated. Lol jk. I have obsessive compulsivve, I cant stop! LOL|||Every time|||Gotta|||Ew that%26#039;s disgusting if they dont D:|||Only if there is no TP and i wipe with my bare hand.|||Yes, always.|||Yeah. No H1N1 virus for me!|||Yes I do...|||Have to|||Yes.|||No. and i%26#039;m using my filthy hands on this keyboard now.. yea yea|||if someone doesn%26#039;t, then they are disgusting.

Is it safe to wash your hands in water containing lead?

My daughter%26#039;s school has lead in its pipes...the kids were told not to drink the water but that it was ok to wash their hands in this true...and how safe is this practice?...Would she be better off not washing her hands with this water?...|||You%26#039;ll be surprised what penetrates our skin on a daily basis, so I doubt it would be safe....

Buy disposable handy wipes or hand sanitizer that%26#039;s a safer route.

Look what I found for you.....

If my water has high lead levels, is it safe to take a bath or shower?

Yes, bathing and showering should be safe for you and your children, even if the water contains lead over EPA鈥檚 action level. Human skin does not absorb lead in water.

This information applies to most situations and to a large majority of the population, but individual circumstances may vary. Some situations, such as cases involving highly corrosive water, may require additional recommendations or more stringent actions. At all times, your local water authority remains your first source for testing and identifying lead contamination in your tap water. Many public water authorities have Web sites that include data on drinking water quality, including results of lead testing.|||we all need to wash our hands often.

but the bigger question is where is the water going after it goes down the drain?|||Fortunately, lead is poorly absorbed through the skin. Children who develop lead poisoning generally do so through ingestion or inhalation (exhaust from leaded gasoline, or aerosolized lead-contaminated dust). As long as your child does not ingest the water, she should be fine.

Another way to think about this question is to ask, %26quot;what is the risk of NOT washing her hands?%26quot; Since many viruses and bacteria are passed by dirty hands, your child would be at a higher risk of getting sick than developing lead poisoning (assuming she doesn%26#039;t drink the water).|||Most of the pipes/plumbing of the early 50%26#039;2 thru 90%26#039;s were made of lead, steel or galvanized steel, with lead in them all. Lead should not pass thru intact skin, but may thru broken skin. Lead is usually ingested or inhaled. The benfits of good hand washing, especially in a school are positive. Not washing hands after using the toilet especially, is hazardous to anyones health, especially food handlers. Tell her to continue to wash and rinse her hands well after using the restrooms at school, but don%26#039;t drink the water! Give her bottled water to drink.|||as long as the kids don%26#039;t put their hands near their mouth but i wouldn%26#039;t even risk it