A) never wash hands
B) always wash hands
C) only if there is poop on the toilet paper
D) if your finger smells|||oh no i never wash my hands.... not even after taking a dump that%26#039;s why i%26#039;m typing right now|||b|||ALWAYS WASH THOSE YUCKY GERMS AWAY|||B
What a question!|||b......im a wash neva a walker,,,,,,,,,eeerrrrr lol|||b) always wash your hands because if your doing the other stuff your gonna die or get sick or some thing and thats just discusting!|||Answer is B ! Wash your hands every time that that You use the bathroom ! Be it number 1 or number 2.|||b|||always have the habit of washing your hands for the habit will always be a good remedy to avoid to much infection/disease being acquired everyday.|||of corse every one will pick b they well i am b but also cinda c|||i know the answer to this one... let%26#039;s see...it%26#039;s %26quot;not until after the next time i pick my nose so i don%26#039;t have to wash twice%26quot; or mabey... b. hhhhmmmm????? %26quot;B%26quot;!!!|||The only correct answer to this question is B. Your hands should be washed with soap and water each and every time you use a bathroom. Not only can you come in contact with contaminates from your own body and /or body waste that can make you very ill but also you may come in contact with everyone else%26#039;s germs from things you touch in the restroom.|||uhhh....thats a wierd question but i would have to say
B...because whether or not there is crap on you hand microscopic germs travel...so i would rather take the time to wash my hands then get ecoli and spend more than just a craps worth of time with my head in the toilet...
atleast thats what you should do...but i know full and well that everyone is going to answer b except for the honest ones...you know most of you dont really wash your hands...eww
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