Sunday, December 27, 2009

When you wash your hands?

You turn on the sink with the handle, then wash your hands, then turn off the sink with the handle again, doesn%26#039;t that just get all those germs back onto your hands?|||Excellent question. When i worked in the hospital, we had those handles you can operate with your arms, but you do not have those at home normally. I love Clorox wipes for this reason. Or Lysol wipes.....whatever. I get out a wipe, turn on the faucet, wash your hands, wipe the faucet and turn off the faucet. Of course, you need to know, I worked in the medical field a long time and I might be overly cautious.|||theoretically, yes. however, if your hands are THAT dirty you should try wiping the handle off before shutting off the water, or spray it with a disinfectant before touching it. the germs that are on your hands are not necessarily all bad, and if you kill them all, your body will not have the immunity built up to resist any disease/infection/illness that might occur.

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