Sunday, December 27, 2009

Do you feel restaurant menus are unsanitary and wash your hands before eating?

Never done that before i dont think about things lyk that 2 much|||Most resteraunt menus are not washed daily and are disgusting. Start paying attention and you will notice the stains adn even globs of food. ALWAYS WASH your hands after touching a menu. Remember to use a paper towel to open the bathroom door.|||Yes, they are very unsanitary. I try and wash my hands before. But I don%26#039;t always do so. I also try and have some hand sanitizer with me. But I don%26#039;t always have that with me either.|||we used to wash ours every day, but i still carry sanitizer in my purse.|||they are extremely unsanitary.....if you think about it but thats the thing...i dont.|||Not actually,maybe some need to. But the big resteraunts that make the big bucks like Applebee%26#039;s,

Macaroni Grill,Subway,and more. they have gotten pretty stick on the rules of keeping your hands clean.

I use to work in a Burger King and a Mcdonalds,and half them I must be honest do not keep up with it enough in most of the places. and then they got back on track.|||no and i never thiught about tha tbefore I will probbaly start now thanks for bringing thta to my attention|||Yeah, I usually use hand sanitizer or wash my hands.|||I do think menus are unsanitary. Even if they%26#039;re wiped down it%26#039;s usually with the same rag used to wipe down the table. I always carry hand sanitizer to help reduce bacteria. Same with those restaraunt buffets. Al those people and kids handling the tongs and ladles, it%26#039;s really sick and unhealthy.|||I carry hand sanitizer in my purse. I had issues with things that aren%26#039;t too clean in the public world. I believe we transmit a lot of germs by touching things that others touch and then not cleaning our hands before we eat something. We need to be more conscious of things like that.|||they are the most unsanitary next to the bathroom.|||I carry some Purell in my purse instead of going to the restroom to wash up while dining out.|||Yes. People touched those menus before you and who knows where those hand had been.

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