Monday, December 21, 2009

How many times do you have to wash your hands for them to be clean?

Im a germaphobic and i was just wondering how many times would you need to wash your hands if they where dirty? (sorry if theres any typos)|||It depends what you did with your hands, and how much soil is on there. Usually if there is VISIBLE soilage maybe two times. But other than that once per session. But if it becomes a problem, definitely check with a psychologist (because if you do it too much-you can be causing more harm than good.)|||5

and they weren%26#039;t even dirty.You think you%26#039;re a germophobe?|||None, really. Your immune system needs germs to practice on. That%26#039;s how it works. It%26#039;s really wonderfully made - It has a little cell that stores dead germs (like a museum) that it uses to help decide what to do.

If you wash your hands once, with soap, it removes the oil from your hands, and the germs won%26#039;t live on your dry skin.|||soap that kills 99 percent of germs should do. You only have to do it once. Just make sure you actually rub soap all over your hand good.|||For just a routine washing, say before eating or preparing food. I wash one good time. I sing the happy birthday song slowly and wash with an antibacterial soap and warm water.

I feel handwashing is very important. In fact so does the CDC. They state children who wash their hands 4 times a day greatly reduce their days missed in school.

I actually wrote an article about handwashing and it has some good statistics. Heres the link in case youd like to look it over.

Time to Stress Handwashing鈥?/a>|||Just one. You should discuss this question with your psychotherapist.|||Just one, slowly before i eat ! try not to worry aboout germs because your body is strong enough to deal with that, washing your hands so much with make weak you skin then you can get diseases on your skin bcs its dray and weak ... fight that phobia!!and be free!:)|||usually 2-3 times, then i use a lotta hand sanitizer|||Hi, its not how many times as long as you wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap. You can an anti bacterial one. Wash thoroughly between the fingers , the fornt and back of the hands.

If you wish you can check out websites for nursing and medicine, look up infection control and hand washing, they give directives for Dr%26#039;s and nurses in Hospital.|||heh, i have a bit of and OCD so i put soap on 3 times before i%26#039;m happy.|||The standard rule of thumb for children, according to our pediatrician is good scrubbing for 2 verses of twinkle twinkle little star.|||As long as I felt i need to wash it.|||Hi! its not actually the number of times you have to wash, but how long you wash. One guide is that While washing your hands you need to rub your hands with soap thoroughly and sing %26#039;happy b%26#039;day to you%26#039; By the time you have finished the song, your hands should be clean.|||its not a matter of how many but for how long. and also where on your hands you wash.

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