Monday, December 21, 2009

How do you say "wash your hands" and remember to study (to a friend) in French, using the reflexive verbs?

The imperative, please. I know how to say like hurry up is Depeche-toi, but for wash your hands, would just say Lave les mains, or Lave-toi les mains..I don%26#039;t know. and Remember to study! is confusing, but use tu please.|||Lave-toi les mains - the pronoun precedes the object. Also, we %26quot;laisse tomber%26quot; - drop - the %26quot;s%26quot; of the tu form when using the imperative with regular -er verbs. You%26#039;ve got it down.

So I%26#039;d prefer to write %26quot;don%26#039;t forget to study%26quot; rather than %26quot;remember to study%26quot; - it sounds a bit more natural to my ear and honestly the formation is easier if you can avoid using a reflexive like %26quot;se souvenir.%26quot;

Don%26#039;t forget to study: N%26#039;oublie pas d%26#039;茅tudier.

%26quot;De%26quot; here functioning as a bit of a bridge between the conjugated verb and the infinitive, to study. It%26#039;s like the equivalent of an english %26quot;to%26quot; - just reinforcing the infinitive.

Note that this is all using the familiar %26quot;tu.%26quot; I%26#039;m assuming you and your friend tutoient?|||Maybe Me lave les mains or Se lave les mains if its a comand, if you were looking for a reflexive?|||..................

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