Monday, December 21, 2009

Do you wash your hands after using the bathroom?

I can%26#039;t beleive how many times I see women not wash their hands at public washrooms-- sure your wiping your own butt but have you ever thought about how many butts have been wiped before you got there and then turned the knob to get out of the damn stall. you know the people that clean those stalls don;t clean the little knob you lock for privacy. nasty nasty nasty. then I see them have the nerve to fluff their hair on the way out the bathroom.|||AAAUUUGGGHHH! One of my hugest pet peeves!~! But I certainly do think that people shold have to wash their hands BEFORE they enter the bathroom....and after! Just think...where were people%26#039;s hands BEFORE they entered the stall? Then you go and wipe yourself with the same handle they just touched because you needed to lock the door too!!!!YUCK!!!! I definitely have a personal fear of public washrooms...I try to stick to my own.


And yes, I do wash my hands frequently, and before and after I use the washroom!!|||I definetly wash my hands and in fact I wash them more than a doctor does many times a day as my immune system is bad. They say it takes off your natural oils to wash so much, but so far I havn%26#039;t seen it. I use anti-bacterial soap and then put lotion on afterwards which seems to trigger my natural oils coming back in. Works for me.|||I always wash after taking a dump, but not always after peeing. I%26#039;ll just use a piece of toilet paper to flush the toilet.|||Always!!!! I cant leave the bathroom without washing up.|||ewww who DOSENT wash their hands its like... instinctive.|||HECK YEA I DO|||Lol this was a good laugh.

Of course I wash my hands when I go to public restrooms.

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