Monday, December 21, 2009

Honestly, do you wash your hands every time you use the restroom?

No lecturing. I don%26#039;t think we need a parent. If you want to be a parent, go have a kid. Let%26#039;s just answer the question and make pleasant discussion.

Be honest. I think that it%26#039;s only really important if your hand goes below bowl level, or when you soil your hands, of course. While it may be aesthetically unpleasant to some that you touched your clean private areas without washing, I don%26#039;t think it compromises anyone%26#039;s health, unless you have an STD or something.|||Honestly!? Truthfully!? YES!

I%26#039;m a bit of a germaphobic (not a real word, I know) But I can%26#039;t NOT wash my hands when I use the restroom at home and especially at a public place. I%26#039;ll go so far as to wash may hands and push the lever for the hand drying paper to come out, wash my hands again good with soap and VERY warm water. then I%26#039;ll take the paper I put down, and use it to turn off the faucet so I don%26#039;t recontaminate my hands becaus dirty hands turned it on. Then I use the paper towel in my hand to dispense more paper towel to dry my hands with, because dirty hands (not just mine, i%26#039;m sure others too) have touched the towel dispenser. Then I%26#039;ll dispense a little more paper towel to have clean paper towel to open the door with or touch the door handle, ect, because, well, let%26#039;s face it, not everyone washer their hands!!!!!|||I always wash my hands after using the bathroom, no matter what. Maybe it is psychological, but I just feel better if I do.|||If I piss or **** on my hand, then I will wash them.

Unless I am handling food, or anything for anyone else - then I wash no matter what, even if I didn%26#039;t use the bathroom.|||YES OF COURSE|||yes|||yes i always do|||ya all the time|||95% of the time. Not in the middle of the night...too tired. Difinitely if I am cooking eating or with my children or in a public restroom.|||Yes I do.|||No and it makes me so mad. I am a girl I do not touch anywhere private when I go to the bathroom. Toilet paper touches me not my hands. I hate going to the bathroom at work bc everyone washes their hands and I will only if people are in there and it sucks.|||Do I? Yes, absolutely.

Why risk illness for something as simple and quick as washing?

I see so many people who don%26#039;t wash. Nowadays it is common for people to use a paper towel to open the restroom door, under the assumption that the last person who touched the door didn%26#039;t wash.|||yes, and I carry around hand sanitizer. Plus, there are sanitized wipes in the truck, for when I pump gas, etc...|||8 out of 10 times yes. But I%26#039;m a girl and I use paper. I never touch myself.|||YES I wash my hands every single time! It doesn%26#039;t have to do with what your hands touch on yourself, but what they touch around you. Toilet paper dispensers, the toilet flusher, the sink taps, door handles... All of these things carry germs from other users. Washing your hands is the sanitary thing to do- not just to prevent STDs but even common viruses such as the flu.|||Every single time!!!!!|||Yes I do wash my hands all the time when i go to the bathroom, because its more pleasant and i like to keep clean. I do not eat nothing until i wash my hands lol

Susie|||yes I do, and also when I change my daughter at her changing table, I use the hand sanitizer on both of our hands, because I hate to think of the bacteria even after I spray it down. yuck|||Always. Especially if it%26#039;s a public bathroom. You don%26#039;t know what kind of germs are lurking. People get colds from touching door handles and whatnot so wash your hands so you%26#039;re not spreading your germs to others.|||Honestly, no. Not unless i got some of that on my hands. I do wash before eating though.|||Yes....ALWAYS!

Eeeww to those who do not!|||I think it%26#039;s just good hygiene to wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. It has become a natural reflex I guess.|||Absolutely. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I use lots of soap %26amp; hot water.

The fact of the matter is that bacteria is microscopic. That stuff flies out of the bowl whenever it%26#039;s flushed and gets everywhere. Haven%26#039;t you ever seen those bacterial tests they do on the news where they find a ton on people%26#039;s toothbrushes that have never even touched the toilet? Ewww. I%26#039;ll wash (and not shake your hand) thank you very much.|||I wash after the bathroom, before and after handling food, before I pray, before and after working with kids (esp if they are sick)...I%26#039;m a health;s not part of my job description but it should be for the safety and protection of not only myself but of others too...they don%26#039;t need to get sick off me, and i don%26#039;t need to get sick off them...besides, even if your hands are clean, you never know where the other persons hands have been.... :)|||Wow....I always wash my hands after using the restroom. I think it has more to do with habit than anything else.

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